I am not a gambler, but some of my proudest moments as a leader come when I bet on the right horse. By “bet on” I mean position or advocate for. And by “horse” I mean teammate. Some horses are sure bets, but some of the best bets are the dark horses. As my time on my current team draws to a close, I have been evaluating the bets I have placed over the course of the last two years and I must say I am pleased with the returns. Not all of the bets proved winners and there is no doubt that many have questioned some of the bets I made. I have thrown good money after bad and I have successfully parlayed on more than a few occasions. My favorite bets are those that appear to others like longshots, but I know the opposite to be true. And the best is when the horse that once thought I was crazy for betting on her gets a look at the proverbial winnings when they cross the finish line, filled with pride and newfound confidence. No longer wondering why I wagered on them and instead looking to bet on themselves.
I realize that I, too, am a horse that others have bet on over the years. A horse that had trouble finding the gate at times, a horse that sometimes didn’t finish the race, and yet a horse that is willing to run various tracks at various distances. As I near the finish line associated with this tour of duty, I hope those who bet on me are pleased they did and stand ready to parlay any perceived winnings. This track was one of my favorites and the horses with whom I ran were amazing. We weren’t running a race, yet we progressed at a deliberate pace. A pace that afforded us time to enjoy the adventure. An adventure that continues to give us meaning. An adventure that changed those who were willing to truly run, grow beyond their comfort zone, and contribute in ways that may have previously scared them.
- What horses are you betting on?
- Are you a horse worth betting on?
- Are you pleased with the winnings?