Today marks my 591st day as a proud member and the Commanding Officer of Navy Cyber Defense Operations Command. When I joined this team I committed to helping them write an especially meaningful chapter of what continues to be a story worth telling. I emphasize helping them because it isn’t my story to tell: It’s my responsibility to inspire them to take action, shape the journey, and experience a story compelling enough to share. I emphasize write because their/our story continues to be one worthy of sharing, and when you have something worth sharing, I firmly believe you have a responsibility to share it for the benefit of others.

Like every operational command in our military, the primary story is about mission accomplishment and operational outcomes. That is the way we measure success – that is why we exist. What we do is vitally important, so important that we often overlook how we do it. Therefore, the chapter we continue to write focuses more on the how than the what, more on environment than mission accomplishment. For it is our environment that informs the norm and if we are to be even more amazing tomorrow than we are today, our environment must evolve and our norms must change. Simply put, the environment informs operational outcomes and the team I joined 591 days ago was good, but in no way ready for increased relevance tomorrow. In a somewhat subversive way so as not to allow the change antibodies to overtly resist,  we set out on a journey to make critical thinking, creative problem solving, and collective ownership core competencies across our team. At the same time, we began to make it a point to share our story with the outside world. Given our unique mission of cyber defense, partnerships are critical to mission accomplishment and we needed to give people reason to partner with us.

Though we will share a more complete story of this two year chapter in an appropriate forum once we are done living and writing it, I wanted to share some visible progress given my observations this last month. A core group of leaders across the Command has been priming the pump for a very long time and there have been many times when we wondered if the water was ever going to flow. This month proved to us what we continue to believe: there is an abundance of water in that well and the trickle of yesteryear has begun to increase in volume daily. Here are some examples:

  1. We hosted our Mentor Draft. This was an effort to turn yet another mandatory program into something meaningful as we provided an opportunity for juniors and seniors to connect and choose their own mentor. Because we are committed to leading well beyond our Command, we invited another Command to participate with us. Here is a story we shared about it.
  2. The Suicide Prevention and Physical Readiness Teams partnered to provide Command members free salads. The next day, they hosted our first yoga class.
  3. We facilitated yet another design-thinking “Thinkshop” in our very own maker-space. Our focus this month was customer service.
  4. The team is putting the final touches on our New Teammate Handbook, which was largely inspired by Valve’s New Employee Handbook.
  5. In an effort to continue to attract amazing talent to our team, a half-dozen teammates represented us at a job fair and collected dozens of resumes from people who had no idea they could serve as a part of the Navy without wearing a uniform. These potential new teammates were also blown away by the creative things happening at a military command. We look forward to more formally welcoming some of them to our team soon.
  6. Sailors are increasingly checking into the Command because they are passionate about our mission and intrigued by the environment; a direct result of our deliberate engagement efforts and our emphasis on sharing our story. After all, if you don’t let people know what you do and what you stand for, they have little reason to want to join the cause.
  7. We received a few e-mails from the Chief of Naval Operations expressing his personal interest in a couple of the operations we had ongoing and received accolades from all echelons for the way we were executing our operational mission.

I could go on, but I think you get the picture. I firmly believe the first six things I mentioned are the reason the seventh happened and will continue to be the norm…critical thinking, creative problem solving, and collective ownership. I couldn’t have said these things two months ago when many were shaking their head thinking the focus on culture and environment was wasteful and in some cases irresponsible. Priming the pump is hard work and results yet unseen represent a questionable return. Couple that with the fact that the non-believers are conditioned to wait out transient leaders (I only get 24 months at best to be a part of the team) and given the senior leadership team is set to change dramatically (the leaders, not necessarily philosophy) this summer, it becomes increasingly challenging to get others to join the movement.

I use the below to frame my actions each and every day:

WE see what many are able to see – WE think what few are able to think – WE do what only WE can do.

NCDOC: Cyber Defense through Creative Discovery

Helping others see what they cannot yet see is the responsibility of a leader, and the only way to make that happen is to lead as a team. I remain extremely blessed to be a part of an amazing leadership team. A team that is growing in number, growing in commitment to the vision, and growing more comfortable with the environment we are creating. An environment that is different not for the sake of being different, but an environment that is tailored to optimize operational outcomes tomorrow, as much as today.

  • How well is your environment aligned to the outcomes you desire to deliver?
  • Are you appropriately invested in shaping the culture of tomorrow?
  • Is your team giving others reason to want to be a part of it?

3 thoughts on “Environment and the Norm

  1. Sir,
    With all due respect, your entry today made me cry. I wish I was part of this team, your team. That said, my background doesn’t seem to mesh well with yours so taking the initiatives you’ve put into play where I work are the next best options.

    Thanks especially for the link to VALVe. What a cool way to re-envision a new employee handbook—and to demonstrate the personality of the organization you’re joining. This is definitely going into my toolkit.

    I’d love to know more about your “Thinkshops” and how they are conceived, implemented, and evaluated. What is included in your maker-space?

    NDAA and uncertainty take their tolls on people, even those with the most optimism and brightest outlook, so a willingness to exercise radical excisions of non-core/non-essential missions is crucial as well as acknowledging grief with this change. We are coming to the realization that we cannot be and do everything. Knowing what and where we excel will help.

    One of the best things leaders can do is get out of the way and facilitate the ideas of those at the deck plate. I have no doubt there are a number of talented individuals in the Navy—I’ve met many of them through Navy Constellation!

    1. Thanks for the kind words and I most definitely will share our New Teammate Handbook, as well as insights on our version of a thinkshop. Makerspace at the moment is little more than a colorful room painted with dry erase paint that we use as a gathering place for smart creatives. The raspberry pi’s, 3-D printers, arduino kits, and the like have yet to arrive. Once they do, we intend to do a visible ribbon cutting and host events that will bring talent from outside our immediate team.

  2. It was a pleasure working with you at NCDOC! Introducing new ways of operating by folding innovation in the environment and providing opportunities to grow as a team member and in leadership are memories and tools that I carry with me forever . I know you will be missed at NCDOC, but I look forward to following you in your future endeavors.

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