Don’t get me wrong, I am “all in” on simultaneously writing the current chapter of my life, as well as contribute to the current chapter […]
Category: Inspiration
Informed Opinions
I just returned from an amazing trip to San Francisco. Though the purpose of the trip was to spend time with future teammates, contribute to […]
Disneyland Mindset
Do you remember the first time you went to Disneyland, Disneyworld, or any amusement park for that matter? Given that I was six the first […]
Just a Job
Note: Those who read this blog regularly know how much I believe passion for our work is a requirement and that if we aren’t fulfilled […]
Stop Pretending
There’s lots of talk about goals this time of year, and I know I have been contemplating the same. It’s natural, healthy, and helpful. It happens […]
Reflection: Because, With, & Despite
Reflection is a powerful thing and something I make time for each and every day. Reflection is an activity that ensures we take the time […]
Doing What We Want
Want: have a desire to possess or do (something); wish for. Should: used to indicate obligation, duty, or correctness. What do you want to do? […]
Effects: Placebos and Tinkerbell
I don’t know if it makes me weak-minded or strong-minded, but I believe in the power of placebos. Whether it was my Mom kissing my […]
Is It Worth It?
Life is full of questions and, clearly, there are far more questions than answers. Some people spend their lives in search of answers and others […]
Shelf Life
Open your refrigerator or go into your pantry and take an inventory of all the products with an expiration date on them. Now check out […]
Sliding Doors
I thoroughly enjoy making decisions. That might sound egotistical and give the appearance that I am someone consumed with power. To be clear, it’s not […]
What’s Next?
What’s Next? It’s a question that I ask myself dozens of times throughout any given day. You see, I have an addiction. An addiction to […]
I make more mistakes than I care to admit, though I am not afraid to admit them. In fact, last weekend I made a huge […]
Vacations: Being, Frequency, and Brothers
Vacations don’t come often in our house. Sure I take time off from work and, yes, we take trips away from our home, but rarely […]
Bubbles make me smile. I enjoy blowing them every now and then. I like to see how big I can make them before they pop. […]
Green Lights
Last week, my wife and I made a quick trip to Annapolis, Maryland to attend a Navy ceremony. And by quick trip, I mean that we […]
Something Bigger Than Ourself
I have long taken great pride in being a part of something far bigger than myself. For me, that happens to be serving as a […]
The Value of the Strange Leader (Guest Post)
Dr. Rebecca Siders is a passionate human being with varied interests that center around making the world a better place, inspiring people in her company […]
History of Originality
Serendipity is one of my favorite words. I don’t use it often, but I enjoy the way it rolls off my tongue. As much as […]
(Don’t) Expect to Win
Each week in anticipation of and during Naval Academy football games I hear local commercials about how Midshipmen ‘Expect to Win’ on and off the […]